Short and sweet this week. Here are your Zcash updates:
- Zcash Foundation welcomes Jack Gavigan as Executive Director. Jack has over a decade of experience in traditional finance and spent the last four years at Electric Coin Co. ZF also hired @oxarbitrage as a core engineer.
- Zcash got a nice shoutout from the Winklevoss twins this week.
- Zcasher crypto_juju asks, “How did you get into ZEC?”
- ECC’s core team has been working on an e-book that explains the basics of Halo2. Check it out here.
Mark your calendars –
- Mon, 2/8: @elenita is on a Evolution of Community panel at ETHDenver.
- Thur, 2/11: Unofficial Privacy Party with @souptacular.
- Tues, Feb 9: Gardening Club, check out the full agenda here.
- Thurs, Feb 11: Arborist Call, NU5 feature discussion.
- Tues, Feb 23: Zeal Call, special guests from Blockchain Association.
- Tues, 3/2: Gardening Club w/ guests Brian Hoffman (from Open Bazaar) and Gemini
- Thurs, 3/4: Arborist Call
Community Shout Outs – Shout out to our friends at TheGivingBlock, an organization that helps nonprofits accept crypto.
Interesting articles from around the web: ICYMI, Apple and FB don’t see eye to eye on privacy and data-tracking. Tim Cook weighs in on the Data-Industrial Complex. Ray Dalio’s thoughts on Bitcoin. Jay Graber (Zcasher and ECC alum) authored BlueSky’s Ecosystem report on decentralized social media networks. Balaji makes the case for crypto in India.