What a time to be alive! @cryptoserrano said it best, “2021 could not write a better script for decentralization.” This week, we also celebrated Data Privacy Day.
Here are your weekly Zcash updates:
- ECC is proud to be a member of the Blockchain Association. We applaud their push against FINCEN’s “unhosted” wallet rule. Check out all of their policy positions here.
- You can fight cancer with crypto – specifically Zcash!
- Flexa just released their 2020 Year in Review. Zcash’s Birthday campaign got a mention.
- Bibox now supports Zcash.
- ZOMG Board Member Sarah Jamie Lewis resigned over the weekend. We wish her well in her future endeavors. @ML_Sudo, a runner-up candidate, has accepted the invitation to join the board. More information is available on the Zcash Foundation blog.
- There are great opportunities at ECC and ZF; there’s never been a better time to work on Zcash:
- Developer Relations and Documentation Lead 3, ECC
- Senior DevOps Engineer, ECC
- Cryptography Engineer, ZF
- BONUS – our friends at BoltLabs are hiring a Junior Rust Engineer.
Mark your calendars –
- Tues, Feb 9: Gardening Club, Halo + Wallets discussion plus Grants Q&A from ZOMG
- Thurs, Feb 11: Arborist Call, NU5 feature discussion
- Tues, Feb 23: Zeal Call, special guests from Blockchain Association.
Community Shout Outs – Shout out to @herou for his contributions this sprint in the wallet SDKs. Shout out to the Nighthawk and the Unstoppable teams. Shout out to @elliotblanchard for the zdash metrics board. Shout out to Michael Harms for CRUSHIN’ IT on ZECpages. Check out the new features and spin up your own board.
DevInfra –
- Upskilling on Tekton
- Connecting Github → Tekton → Travis for Apple related CI, first platform will be iOS
- Base full build and test suite of zcashd complete on Tekton.
Core –
- Draft PR making a start on the ZIP 224 specification
- Merged a faster square root implementation for the Pasta curves
- Implemented developer tooling to help with circuit implementation
- Started writing an architecture design book for Zcashd
- Transaction ID Non-Malleability and Signature Hashing ZIP ready for final review.
- ZIP 314 continues
- Kestrel close to unblocked (thank you Str4d!)
- Mobile project responsible disclosure agreement organized and merged
- Added requirements to ZIP 224 PRD.
Wallet –
- Two more merged PRs from @herou, amazing community contributions!
- Data Access API is merged; the next ECC builds will have it baked in
- Nighthawk team filed a PR back to the SDK to add ktlint, a code linter for Kotlin.
That’s all y’all. Have a great weekend!