Zcash Developers Update 10-9-2020

Zcash Developers Update 10-9-2020

Here are the updates from this week:

Mark your calendars,

  • 10/13 – CoinDCX Youtube Livestream (India), link
  • 10/13 – Can Privacy and Regulation Coexist? with Gemini and Perkins Coie, link
  • 10/14 – MetalPay AMA, registration link
  • 10/19 – ZKP Privacy Conference hosted by Dystopia Labs
  • 10/27 – Zeal calls are back!
  • 10/28 – Zcash 4th Birthday 
  • 11/3 – November Gardening Club
  • 11/5 – November Arborist Call
  • 11/18 – Canopy Activation 


  • Zcashd forking and connecting to upstream instructions
  • Debian packages build instructions
  • Updated a broken link via community feedback form


  • Phase 1: Travis CI full support for native Mac
  • Phase 1: Public and private namespacing mechanics for production Tekton
  • Kustomize implementation of prior kubernetes BlockExplorer
  • Updated mainnet and testnet seeders staged for deployment
  • Phase 1: Grafana alternative cloud solution


  • Updated almost all our dependencies (including ZeroMQ)
  • Removed OpenSSL
  • Merged several upstream Bitcoin Core PRs
  • Check out these PR Statistics from last quarter


  • Finalizing Jesse deprecation
  • Handled two internal security responses


  • Localization to ECC wallet in five languages (iOS and Android)
  • Security improvements around seed handling (iOS)
  • Fixed rust interfacing issue (iOS)
  • General app maintenance (iOS)
  • Better use of viewing keys and less reliance on seeds (Android)
  • Discovered and patched a critical issue in dependency library (Android)
  • Proposed protocol for autoshielding

Community Shout Outs – Shout out to PaywithZcash for maintaining a directory of Zcash merchants. Shout out to rex4539 and linuxion for submitting community PRs.

This week in privacy, DOJ announces a new Cryptocurrency Enforcement Framework. The framework includes some troubling statements around anonymity enhanced cryptocurrencies or “AECs.” Jerry Brito from Coincenter weighs in. Did you know about “keyword warrants”?

Other headlines: “Do Not Track” is back. The Markup reports on algorithms violating fair housing laws. EFF shared tools for police surveillance and school recordings raise questions from a privacy lawyer. I came across this 2015 paper that explores privacy as a public good – it would be fun to think about how privacy fits into Ostrom’s principles.

In crypto news, crypto crackdowns continue, John McAfee was arrested earlier this week. Belarus dissidents use bitcoin.

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