Here are the updates from this week:
- ZecWallet announced full Viewing Key support.
- ECC was notified by Liquid that Zcash along with 28 other coins will be delisted as the exchange applies for a license to operate in Singapore.
- The Celo Community is considering a proposal to add Zcash to the Celo Reserve.
- ECC is hiring a Growth / HR Coordinator.
Mark your calendars,
- Tues, 7/28 – Zeal call, special guests Henry Valence and Chelsea Komlo from Zcash Foundation, more details here. Register here.
- Wed, 7/29 – Moneytalks, hosted by Blockchain Association and Coinbase, Financial Inclusion: It’s Not All About the Benjamins, Andre is speaking, register here. Promo video here.
- Tues, 8/4 – Gardening Club. Register here to attend as an audience or sign up to present a project.
Community Shout Outs – Shoutout to @secured2k who contributed useful debug information on the ZecWallet Windows bug. Here is the issue 1. ZecWallet 0.9.15 was released to fix the bug. Let’s hear it for @RicZEC who shared a Zcash Hip Hop mix on the forum earlier this week. Also shout out to the PearlJam fan posting lyrics on the ZECpages board.
This week in privacy, Rebecca Jennings at Vox presents the case for and against a US ban on TikTok. Mitchell Baker, chair of the Mozilla Foundation, calls for a better internet. EFF releases an impressive Atlas of Surveillance, a searchable, interactive database of police and government surveillance. Speaking of EFF, congratulations to Tarah Wheeler for joining the EFF Advisory Board. Also congrats to EFF for getting such an accomplished board member! EFF also covered an interesting court case regarding “reasonable expectations for privacy” and crypto exchanges. The Dialogue, a think tank in India, writes about privacy concerns and dating apps in the country. Threats on encryption in the US continue, learn more about EARNIT and LAED bills working their way through committee.
In crypto news, Visa is working with Coinbase and Fold to advance digital currency. Visa researcher Mahdi Zamani was one of the original authors of the Flyclient paper. From the ethresearch community, Jaewon Lim and Barry Whitehat propose Zkopru, derived from the “Zcash Sapling protocol implemented as an optimistic rollup on Ethereum.” h/t to Zaki Manian. Lawmakers focused on cybersecurity over crypto in the recent Twitter hack. Zcash got some positive press on ethereumworldnews. That’s it for this week. Have a good weekend y’all.