By Elena Giralt
Grab a cup of tea and settle in. Here are the latest updates from ECC:
General updates
- DevFund Discussion continues: ZIP 1014 Polling
- The Community Advisory Helios poll closes on Monday, January 27th and announce results on Tuesday, January 28th.
- Other dates to remember
- Tues, 1/21 – Protocol Hangout, register here
- Tues, 1/28 – ZEAL, monthly community call, register here
- Tues, 2/11 – ECC Live Stream, save the date
- In case you missed it, Wallet team had a big week. Read the full update here.
- Launched iOS SDK
- Launched Android SDK with mainnet support
- Launched lightwalletd with mainnet support
- Delivered the Android zECC wallet (internal only mainnet wallet)
Development Infrastructure Team:
- Finished production lightwalletd deployment instance for new wallet SDKs.
- Completed migration of lightwalletd to the github zcash org.
- Validated Python3 updates for existing infrastructure and staged workers for Python3 migration in CI/CD. Shout out to community members who helped out here. You know who you are!
- Beginning work on zcashd exporter to leverage existing Golang projects.
- Completed Grafana and Prometheus infrastructure updates to monitor existing zcash nodes in the ecosystem.
- Create two release candidates for zcashd v2.1.1
- Reviewed and published ZIP 1014 (Dev Funding proposal)
- Attended HACS 2020 and RWC
- Progress on Halo: benchmarks, working on an update of the paper
Community Shout Outs – This new section is to celebrate and highlight the contributions to Zcash made by folks outside of ECC. Ping me if you have suggestions for next week.
- Shout out to @oxarbitrage for all your work on Zcash core.
- Shout out to @adityapk00 for your continued work on ZECwallet
- Shout out to Zcash meetup organizers (Boston, LA, DC, Bombay, DC) for taking time to chat with me.
This week in privacy, 70,000 Tinder photos of women as well as chat histories were dumped on a cybercrime forum. Think twice before you swipe. That might explain why anonymous social networks are on the rise according to research from Global Web Index.
New York State Assembly is considering a “Public Venmo” payments platform based on Cornell professor Robert Hockett’s Inclusive Value Ledger. I haven’t read through the white paper but interestly, the word “privacy” comes up zero times.
Digiday breaks down how the death of the cookie and Google’s Privacy Sandbox could impact the advertising industry. In the UK, privacy advocates are decrying “regulatory ambivalence” to the flagrant privacy violations from RTB (real-time-bidding) applications.
“There’s no such thing as a backdoor just for the good guys.” Apple defends privacy and encryption by declining Department of Justice requests to unlock an iPhone in the Pensacola shooting case.
Electronic Frontier Foundation explains how Iranian tech users get impacted by sanctions and how German courts are rethinking mass surveillance. “By dedicating two days to our case, the Constitutional Court is sending a clear message: Mass surveillance of online communication is highly controversial. We expect a landmark decision clearly limiting the BND’s powers,” says Ulf Buermeyer, chair of the German Freedom Rights Society, the advocacy group bringing this case to court. Hopefully, they will follow the model set by South African courts in Sept 2019.
In crypto news, Coin Perspective interviewed Sergio Lerner from RSK, Zcash got plenty of mentions. That’s all for now. Enjoy the weekend y’all!