This is our fortnightly engineering update which happens after the conclusion of each 2-week engineering sprint. You can check out last week’s update for recent news on community and communications.
This last sprint was quite minimal due to Zcon1 and the 4th of July in the US. By next sprint’s ending, we should be caught up with a more substantial community update.
Arborist Team
This team focuses on development of the zcashd client, lightwalletd, librustzcash and protocol upgrades. Follow along with team discussions in the Community Chat #community-arborist channel.
“This week, the 2.0.6 release made progress that had to wait until after devs returned to their normal dev environment from Zcon1. The team tagged the release and working with the dev-infra team, created the 2.0.6 reproducible builds.“
Development Infrastructure Team
The Development Infrastructure team ensures developers have the tools and infrastructure they need. Join this team in the #dev-infrastructure chat channel.
“This team is continuing to finish the release and ensure all Debain9 upgrades are stable across the system. Additionally they are working on documentation describing some of the new process.
This team is also focused on website maintenance which we anticipate to finish next week. Until that concludes, updates on electriccoin.co are disabled, including the blog. Stay tuned.“
Documentation Team
This team drives the curation and assists in the creation of documentation. Follow along in the #documentation chat channel. Check out the official Zcash documentation.
No updates this sprint cycle.
Ecosystem Team
This team is intended to work on projects that interface with external parties not including the zcashd
core client and handles business development in the phases after initial contact by providing technical insight and support.
No updates this sprint cycle.
Reference Wallet Team
This teams current charter is to build a Zcash reference wallet. Follow along with team discussions in the Community Chat #community-wallet-team channel
“The wallet team had a great time at Zcon1 meeting members of the community. This past sprint, we worked on a demo app for the conference, which allowed people to scan paper wallets and redeem the testnet ZEC for ECC swag. We learned a lot while building this app, and plan to push the improvements we made to the android app and lightwalletd into the reference wallet.”
Product Team
This team leads product decisions and feature prioritization.
“No updates this sprint.”
Next Friday: Technical AMA w/ ECC team July 12, 2019 noon PDT