Zcash Developers Update 1-18-19

Zcash Developers Update 1-18-19

By Paige Peterson

This is our fortnightly engineering update which happens after the conclusion of each engineering sprint. You can check out last week’s update for recent news on community and communications.

Zcashd Team
This team focuses on development of the zcashd client and Zcash protocol. Follow along with team discussions in the Community Chat #zcashd-team channel.

The team has been evaluating proposals, running simulations and writing specifications for the Blossom network upgrade. The team has also continued its work in refactoring the Sapling crypto code.

Development Infrastructure Team
The Development Infrastructure team ensures developers have the tools and infrastructure they need. Join this team in the #dev-infrastructure chat channel.

We have fixed all remaining failing test for the Windows build/support of Zcash. We are now working on getting the Windows build integrated with our CI system (buildbot). In addition, we’re working on automating our website deploys to make them faster.

Ecosystem Team
For the time being this team handles business development in the phases after initial contact by providing technical insight and support.

This team is continuing to provide product support to third party applications and services to expand the reach of Zcash.

The unofficial Zcash fork of the bitcore insight explorer have been updated to support zcash v2.0.2, as part of the update we have also released deployment scripts to help anyone deploy a zcash insight explorer with a few easy commands, this work can be found here: https://github.com/zcash-hackworks/zcash-insight-explorer

We are also asking for input from product developers on what libraries they use to deploy their zcash implementation, we’ve heard from a few projects but we want to hear more, if you’re using a custom fork of an existing open source project in your zcash deployment, let us know what it is so we can decide what projects to contribute to next.

Documentation Team
This team drives the curation and assists in the creation of documentation. Follow along in the #documentation chat channel. Check out the official Zcash documentation 1.

We’ve had a relatively slow start to the year with minimal resources available to work on documentation. The upcoming sprint will look to do some spring cleaning style organization including investigating ways to hook the GitLab repo into GitHub project management. We’d also like to start labeling documentation issues for community volunteers to work on if they’re interested in contributing.

Reference Wallet Team
This teams current charter is to build a Zcash reference wallet. Deliverables will be a series of MVPs where Android is the first target platform.

We started to implement the send functionality, such as the UI, server-side functionality, and the application side functionality. We also tackled some technical debt.


The 2.0.3 release will target Feb 11 with a release candidate target of Feb 4. The end-of-support halt for 2.0.2 is ~March 11.

Check out the announcement on the finalized Blossom goals if you missed it.

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