Paige Peterson
We’ve decided to commit to a 1 week delay for the upcoming release which sets it to come out on Monday, Nov. 13. Pushing the release back was something we were considering due to conflict with available engineering resources for the next two weeks. This delay is also allowing more time to review some features we’ve been really hoping to get in such as
Payment Disclosure. We updated the
Payment Disclosure ZIP this week as well and is pending review.
All work planned for 1.0.13 is documented in the
Release planning Github project.
We’ve made great progress this week on a Sapling roadmap which we hope to release soon and we’re also excited for announcing the upcoming next generation MPC protocol we’ve been very focused on researching the past few months. Stay tuned for both of these!
UX + Community
We’re continuing surveys of UX in existing wallets and services – particularly a follow-up evaluation of our prior testing of OpenBazaar for
Crypto Is Currency Day and additionally researching UIs which implement shielded addresses.
We’re sponsoring and hosting a ZK workshop at
Devcon next week and are additionally planning outreach at various events and meetups in Latin America and Asia.
The community team would love to talk to those interested in Zcash meetup organization or education/media creation so definitely reach out if that’s you!
Happy Birthday Zcash Community! 
The Zcash blockchain launched October 28 of last year and it has certainly been a wild ride. Thanks for being such a great group and here’s to the coming year!