I have just heard about a unique idea for Zcash mining that can help you get in on the early days of mining Zcash without having to buy a mining rig or spend hours learning code.
The concept is
Turn-Key Zcash Cloud Mining
I have been in contact with
Tim Olson of Zeropond.com who is jump starting the idea of a complete Turn-Key solution to mining Zcash on the cloud from Day 1. Tim is a well known entrepreneur whose resume includes software engineering at Apple and starting his own Tech companies from the ground up.
The concept goes like this: similar to Amazon EC2 you can purchase hash power on the cloud using BTC or other currencies via Shapeshift.io. But unlike Amazon the Zeropond team have the
software and the hardware set-up on the back end. Once the Zcash Genesis Block launches on October 28th. you will then begin receiving funds into your Zcash address based on the performance of the hashpower you have purchased. There are still a lot of details such as hardware types, contract lengths, costs, etc… that the team at Zeropond are ironing out.
So what do you think? Tim and his team at Zeropond have the Capital Investment horsepower to make this happen but they need to get feedback from you, the crypto-community. Is this something you would want to support and invest in?
There will only be so many spots available and the team needs your feedback so stop by http://buy.zeropond.com/ and let them know you’re interested by signing up and make your voice heard on Reddit/r/ZEC or the Zcash Forums