This evening Zcash released a minor update to the Alpha Testnet that fixes a few Security bugs and also changes some of the Terminology in the Zcash code and documentation.
This update does not reset the Testnet so you will not lose your existing coins. You can apply the update by running:
git fetch origin
git checkout zc.v0.11.2.z7
Zcash is fast approaching the target release date of September 26, 2016 and this date has not changed on the Zcash Github yet however on Slack
Zooko has mentioned that:
“we’re currently less confident in that launch schedule, and we think it might slip back a few weeks, mostly due to the time it takes to get external security auditing and to mitigate any issues thus discovered. We’ll know more about the schedule in about two weeks and we’ll update the roadmap.”
Hopefully everything will go smoothly for Zcash & Co with the upcoming milestones, everyone is excited to see Zcash come out of the Testnet!
Full Zcash Blog Post:
“Sean Bowe | Jul 22, 2016
Today, we deployed a new alpha release of theZcash reference implementation, v0.11.2.z7, to the testnet. The new release includes the following changes :
- The terminology of the RPC and internal code has been modified to reflect our protocol specification. (#1090)
- We have forked libsnark and made a number of changes to improve security and performance. The public parameters have shrunk by about 35% and memory usage during JoinSplit creation has improved by several hundred megabytes. (#1104)
- We have published guidelines about side-channel attacks and other security warnings.
- The alert key has been changed. (#1105)
- A bug in the difficulty adjustment algorithm has been fixed. (#1124)
We have changed protocol version numbers, which requires all old nodes to upgrade to continue to use the testnet network. However, we are not resetting the testnet blockchain for this release.”