Last night the Zcash team released an update to the Test Network.
As I mentioned in
this post Instead of a complete reset of the network which normally wipes all test coins the Zcash developers have
natively implemented a Hard Fork increasing the block size to
This new release (z6) also implements a much needed Equihash optimization that randomizes the nonce values to prevent a miner with multiple threads running from duplicating it’s own work.
You will have to download the latest version z6 to connect to the updated network. I have also just updated the Tutorial to reflect this update. This is first time the Zcash code will be tested with a hard fork so it will be interesting to see the impact on the test network and the miners.
Full blog post below:
“Sean Bowe | Jul 08, 2016Today, we deployed a new alpha release of theZcash reference implementation, v0.11.2.z6, to the testnet. The new release includes the following changes :
- The block size limit has been increased to 2MB. (#765) We’re tracking the worst-case verification costs in some new performance measurements and in #1077 in order to mitigate potential DoS attacks.
- Equihash nonces are now randomized to avoid duplicate effort by miners. (#1060)
- Equihash solving runs are now slightly more efficient. See #1049 and the change in performance measurements on our tracker.
Unlike previous alpha releases, we have not reset the testnet in order to give our mining slow startmore time to run. Therefore, the block size limit change has been introduced as a (naive) hardfork.”
Zcash Blog